Eastgate Software

Why us?

Our Commitment

At Eastgate Software, we are committed to delivering high-quality products that meet the diverse needs of our client

At Eastgate Software, we are committed to delivering high-quality products that meet the diverse needs of our clients. We employ Agile methodologies, ensuring that the development process is efficient, adaptable, and centered on collaboration. This approach allows us to frequently reassess and adapt our work based on client feedback, guaranteeing that the final product fully aligns with the expectations.

Beyond just development, we are proud to offer consultation services, providing expert advice tailored to your unique circumstances. Our team is also available 24/7 to promptly address any concerns or queries. Your success is our priority, and we stand ready to provide the necessary support at every step of your digital transformation journey.


Requirement Analysis

Our business analysts and architects collaborate with you to prepare your software requirements specification and define the architecture as an initial cooperation stage.


UX/UI Design

Iterative UI/UX design through wireframes and prototypes to turn your specification into a design plan.


Software Development

Bringing your idea to life through systematic and agile development for front-end and back-end.




Running QA testing on every development stage, detecting errors, bug tracking, fixing, and retesting.


Deployment And Maintenance

The product release phase, commissioning, configuration, calibration as well as support and maintenance.

Experts To Get You
From Start To Finish

Our Success Stories
from Real Customers

Mapping Application

German Mapping Application

In today’s digital world, mapping applications have become an increasingly useful tool for virtually everyone. Whether it’s finding the quickest…

Data Extraction

Data Extraction

In our digital age, data extraction from a paragraph has become a crucial part of many industries. From analyzing customer…

Oil Well Production

Trend Prediction Of Oil Well

Technology has brought about significant changes in different areas of life, and energy production is not exempted. Advances in technology…

Stock Data

Stock Prediction

In today’s world, everything is constantly changing, and the stock market is no exception. With thousands of different stocks constantly…

Watch the product walkthrough to see

what makes Eastgate better?

“We made Eastgate Software a long-term strategic partner based on their reliability and the quality of deliveries.”
Michael Gartner - Vice President
“We were impressed by the results thanks to your professional, systematic and disciplined implementation.”
Hiep Le - CTO
Hiep Le - CTO
BGC Group
“Eastgate Software delivered high quality in time. They were very proactive and supportive.”
Bruce Barron - CEO


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We Drive Digital Transformation

We are always looking for a next great project!